How can I buy more licenses in Pickcel ?

How can I buy more licenses and add more screens ?

If you're currently using the free trial:
  1. Sign in to your Pickcel account. Navigate to "My Plan" in the menu.

  2. Click on 'Upgrade'

  3. Enter the billing details and click on 'Proceed'.

  4. Add your payment method first by click on 'Add Payment Method'.

  5. Add your payment details and click on 'Update'.

  6. Click on 'Update Plan' to increase the licence. 

  7. Increase the licence by clicking on the '+' symbol here and click on 'Continue'. 

  8. Review your payment details and click on 'Confirm' to confirm your payment. 

  9. Click on Return to go back to the Pickcel dashboard where you can add your screens from the screen module. 

If you're already subscribed to a Professional or Business plan:
  1. Visit the "My Plan" module and select "View Plan."

  2. Click on "Update Plan" on the Stripe page.

  3. Increase the quantity by clicking on '+' symbol and click on 'Continue'. 

  4. Confirm the changes by clicking on 'Confirm' 

  5. After a successful payment, return to Pickcel, where you can now add additional screens.

If any issues persist, please contact our support team for assistance.