How can I quickly view the details schedule assigned to the screen ?

How can I quickly view the details schedule assigned to the screen ?

Now you can view the details of the schedule and composition which is assigned to the screen without navigating to the schedule module. Here is how you can do it : 

1. Login to your Pickcel account. You will land in the Screens module. 
2. Here hover on the screen you need, and click on Content Calendar from the options

3. It will take you the schedule view as below :

4. Click on the highlighted dates to check the details of associated day sequences : 

5. To see the composition details, click on the composition name, it will open a pop up with composition summary  :

You can also find that, options of editing the schedule and compositions are present here, which will take you to the respective modules for editing. 

In a similar way, details of the schedule can be viewed from Screen details page by clicking on Active Schedule :

and also from Publish module ,by clicking on View details option