How to install Pickcel Software through USB in Samsung Tizen screen?

How to install Pickcel Software through USB in Samsung Tizen screen?

To install the Pickcel software in your Samsung tizen screen by following the steps below:

  1. Open this link and Download the file:

  2. Extract the files contained in the Tizen zip file and copy the SSSP folder into the pen drive.

  3. Turn the screen on and insert the USB drive.
  4. Click the Content (Home) button on the remote.
  5. Select URL Launcher settings.

  6. Select Install from USB Device.

  7. It will ask for adding a PIN after this. You can click on Set up Now for setting a new password

  8. You can set a new pin by giving a password and confirming the password. The default password is 0000 usually. 

  9. The application will install and start automatically.