Is 4k video supported in Pickcel ?
By default , Pickcel does not support 4k videos. Please contact our
Support team to enable this option in your account.
Before using any 4k video with Pickcel app,please verify if your device supports 4k videos. You can do this by playing any 4k videos in the device using any media players.

Pickcel supports only mp4 filetype 4K videos
Once you have it enabled ,then follow the below steps to upload 4k videos
2. Click on the "Media" button.
3. Click on "Upload files" option
4. Click on "Upload From Computer" to upload or you can also drag and drop media files from your computer.
5. Unselect the radio button (uncompress option) as shown below and click on upload :
The video will be available in the Media Listing.

Please note that, if the device does not support 4k videos , then unexpected behaviors (black screen ) may be noticed on the device.
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