Why it is showing "Deactivated " message on my screen in Pickcel?

Why it is showing "Deactivated " message on my screen in Pickcel?

A deactivated message is shown on your screen if you have deactivated your screen or your trial period is over or if you have not done the payment.

If your trial period has expired, you can confirm that by logging in to your Pickcel console and you must be seeing a message in your account like this:

You can click on Proceed for payment and make the payment and continue using the screen. After this, the screen will automatically be reactivated and playing the default composition that you had set. 

If you have deactivated your screen, you can confirm if your screen is deactivated this with the following steps:

To Deactivate a screen, follow these steps.

1. Login to your pickcel account. Go to 'Screen module.'

2. Click on the 'filter' icon on top right.

3. Select the 'deactivated screens' button and click on 'Apply'.

If you see your screen in this list, you can reactivate your screen by following these steps.